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F1 Style 3rd Break Lights


F1 Style 3rd Break Light Specifications: Size 97mm x 60mm Power 12V Installation some DIY modification will required to install to your specific car.  Simple double-sided tape, bracket, and few screws supplied.  Connections to power 3 cables Black/Red/Yellow Option 1 Black negative, Red positive for continuous light( can be connected to...


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F1 Style 3rd Break Light


Size 97mm x 60mm

Power 12V

Installation some DIY modification will required to install to your specific car. 

Simple double-sided tape, bracket, and few screws supplied. 

Connections to power 3 cables Black/Red/Yellow

Option 1 Black negative, Red positive for continuous light( can be connected to break lights so work only when pres break)

Option 2  Black negative Red positive and Yellow break light positive. Effect continuous light when break pressed start flashing for few sec and back to continuous light. 

Option 3 Black negative Yellow positive(break lights) Flasshing for few seconds and continuous light until break released.


Enhance your vehicle's safety with F1 style 3rd break lights. Choose from 2 sleek colour options to complement your vehicle's design. With 3 modes- still, flashing, and alternating- these break lights provide maximum visibility on the road. Stay safe and stylish with F1 style 3rd break lights.